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CSScss rem vs em

CSS rem vs em: Key Differences, When to Use Each & Examples

March 1, 2025

12 min read



Understanding the various units in CSS is fundamental for creating responsive and accessible web designs. Among these units, em and rem in css are particularly significant due to their relative sizing capabilities, which allow for flexible and scalable layouts.

What Are CSS Units? (css rem vs em)

CSS units define how elements size themselves on a webpage. Absolute units like px (pixels) are fixed, while relative units like em and rem adapt dynamically. Let’s explore these units:

  • Absolute Units: These units have fixed values regardless of other elements or settings. eg., px.
  • Relative Units: These units are relative to another measurement, making them more adaptable for responsive design. eg., em, rem, %, vh, vw.

Understanding CSS rem vs em

Both em and rem are relative units commonly used for font sizing, spacing, and layout dimensions. Their relative nature provides flexibility, allowing designs to adapt seamlessly across different devices and user settings.

What is CSS em

  • Definition: The em unit is relative to the font size of its closest parent element. If no parent font size is defined, it inherits from the browser's default or the nearest ancestor with a specified font size.

  • Calculation: The size of an element defined in em is calculated by multiplying the em value by the font size of its parent.

    Example: If a parent element has font-size: 20px, then 2em = 40px for its children.

    1<div class="parent">
    2    I'm parent div of font size 20px
    3    <div class="child">
    4        I'm the child div of font size 2em, (40px).
    5    </div>
    8// CSS
    9 .parent {
    10  font-size: 20px;
    13.child {
    14    font-size: 2em; /* 2 * 20px = 40px */

    This is how it's look like:

    what is em
  • Use Cases: em units are great when you want an element to scale based on its parent. This is particularly useful for components that need to maintain proportional sizing within a specific section of a page.

  • Considerations: One potential pitfall of using em units is the compounding effect in nested elements. If multiple nested elements use em units for sizing, the calculations can become complex and lead to unexpected sizes.

What is CSS rem

  • Definition: The rem unit stands for "root em" and is relative to the font size of the root (html) element, regardless of its location in the DOM hierarchy.

  • Calculation: The size of an element defined in rem is calculated by multiplying the rem value by the font size of the root element.


    1html {
    2    font-size: 16px;
    5.element {
    6  font-size: 2rem; /* 2 * 16px = 32px */

Here, .element has a font size of 32px because it is 2 times the root element's font size.

  • Use Cases: rem units are ideal for maintaining consistent sizing across a website. Since they are based on the root font size, adjusting the root size scales all elements using rem proportionally, simplifying responsive design.
  • Considerations: Using rem units helps avoid the nesting issues associated with em units, as all sizing is relative to a single reference point—the root element.

Pro Tip:

Pair rem with CSS variables for theme consistency:

1:root {  
2--spacing: 1.5rem;  
4.container {  
5 padding: var(--spacing); /* 24px (if root is 16px) */  

Differences between em and rem in CSS

By now, you’re familiar with the difference between rem vs em in CSS, but let’s quickly recap for clarity.

The rem unit is always relative to the root element of the document, while the em unit is relative to the element’s immediate parent. This means em values inherit from their parent elements, whereas rem values are based solely on the root element, ensuring more consistent scaling."

Advanced Usage of rem vs em in CSS

While em and rem are simple in concept, mastering their advanced use cases gives you greater control over responsive design, accessibility, and scalability. HHere’s how you can use them like a pro:

1. Dynamic Theming with CSS Variables

Combine rem with CSS custom properties to create flexible themes:

1:root {  
2--base-font: 1rem;      /* 16px by default */  
3--spacing-unit: 0.5rem; /* 8px */  
4--primary-color: #2d3748;  
7.button {  
8padding: calc(var(--spacing-unit) * 2); /* 16px */  
9font-size: var(--base-font);  
10background: var(--primary-color);  
13/* Adjust the root for dark mode */  
14@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {  
15:root {  
16  --primary-color: #718096;  

Changing the root font size (html { font-size: 18px }) scales all rem-based values globally.

2. Responsive Typography with clamp()

Use rem with clamp() for fluid typography that adapts to viewport size:

1h1 {  
2font-size: clamp(2rem, 5vw + 1rem, 3.5rem);  

Font size scales between 2rem (min) and 3.5rem (max), based on viewport width.

3. Component-Level Scaling with Nested em

Use em for self-contained components like buttons or cards:

1.button {  
2font-size: 1rem;        /* Root-based */  
3padding: 0.75em 1.5em;  /* Scales with button's font size */  
4border-radius: 0.5em;    /* Rounded corners scale with padding */  

If you increase the button’s font size to 1.2rem, its padding and border radius grow proportionally.

When to Use rem vs em

Choosing between rem and em units in CSS depends on the desired behavior of your design elements and their responsiveness to scaling. Here's a guide to help you decide when to use each:

When to Use rem Units:

  • Consistent Typography Across the Site: If you aim for uniform font sizes throughout your website, rem units are ideal. By setting the root font size, all elements using rem will scale proportionally, ensuring consistency.
  • Global Spacing and Layout: For margins, paddings, and widths that need to maintain uniformity across different sections, rem provides predictable scaling. Adjusting the root font size will proportionally affect all rem-based spacings, simplifying responsive design.
  • Responsive Design: rem units facilitate responsiveness by allowing global adjustments. Modifying the root font size can dynamically scale the entire layout, making it adaptable to various screen sizes.

When to Use em Units:

  • Component-Level Scaling: If specific components or elements need to scale relative to their parent containers, em units are appropriate. This is useful for nested elements where local scaling is desired.
  • Flexible Design Elements: For components like buttons or cards that should adjust their size based on their container's font size, em units offer the necessary flexibility.
  • Inherited Styling: When designing elements that should inherit and scale based on their parent's font size, such as list items within a menu, em units ensure that changes to the parent affect the children accordingly.

By understanding the behavior of units in css rem vs em, you can make informed decisions that enhance the scalability and responsiveness of your web designs.

rem vs em vs px vs %: A Complete Comparison

Choosing the right CSS unit can make or break your design’s responsiveness and accessibility. Let’s break down rem, em, px, and % with clear guidelines on when (and when not) to use each:


Common Mistakes & Fixes

Even experienced developers sometimes struggle with CSS units.Here are the most common mistakes and how to fix them for cleaner, more maintainable code:

1. Mistake: Using px for Typography


px units ignore user browser settings, harming accessibility.

1/* 🚫 Avoid */  
2body {  
3font-size: 16px;  


Use rem to respect root scaling:

1/* ✅ Fix */  
2html {  
3font-size: 100%; /* Default: 16px */  
5body {  
6font-size: 1rem; /* 16px */  

Why This Matters:

Users with visual impairments rely on browser zoom. rem scales seamlessly; px doesn’t.

2. Mistake: Overriding Root Font Size with px


Hardcoding html { font-size: 10px; } breaks user preferences.


Use percentages (%) to scale the root:

1/* ✅ Fix */  
2html {  
3font-size: 62.5%; /* 10px (if user default = 16px) */  

Pro Tip:

Combine with rem for easy math: 1.6rem = 16px.

3. Mistake: Using % for Font Sizes


percentages (%) for fonts is relative to the parent’s font size, not the root.


Use rem for predictable root-based scaling:

1/* ✅ Fix */  
2.child {  
3font-size: 1.875rem; /* 30px (16px × 1.875) */  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Why should I use rem instead of px for fonts?

    A: rem respects the user’s browser or device settings, making your site accessible to those who need larger text. px forces fixed sizes, which can break layouts when users zoom in or adjust default fonts.

  • Q: Does em work for non-font properties like padding or margins?

    A: Yes! em scales relative to the element’s own font size. For example, padding: 1em will equal the element’s font size (e.g., 16px if the font is 1rem).

  • Q: Which unit is better for media queries: em or px?

    A: Use em for media queries. It adapts to browser zoom, whereas px can break responsiveness.

  • Q: How do I fix compounding em scaling in nested elements?

    A: Switch nested elements to rem for consistent sizing. Reserve em for isolated components like buttons.

  • Q: Should I mix em and rem in the same project?

    A: Yes - just follow a system. Use rem for global styles (spacing, typography) and em for component-level scaling (buttons, icons).

  • Q: When should I use rem vs em?

    A: Use rem for global consistency (e.g., typography, spacing) and em for component-level scaling (e.g., buttons, icons). rem is tied to the root font size, while em is relative to the parent element’s font size.

  • Q: What does rem stand for in CSS?

    A: rem stands for “root em” and is relative to the font size of the root (<html>) element.

  • Q: What does em stand for in CSS?

    A: em stands for “emphasis module” and is relative to the font size of the parent element.


Picking the right CSS unit—rem, em, px, or percentage(%)—is key to creating responsive, accessible, and maintainable web designs. Use rem for consistent, scalable typography that adapts to user preferences, while em works best for component-level scaling. Avoid px for text and spacing; instead, reserve it for fixed elements like borders or icons. For flexible layouts, percentage(%) is great for sizing elements relative to their parent containers

Prioritizing rem for root-based control and em for localized flexibility helps you avoid common pitfalls like scaling issues and accessibility challenges. Always test your design at different zoom levels to ensure readability and usability. Remember, choosing the right CSS unit isn’t just about pixels—it’s about building inclusive, future-proof experiences.

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